

Hey Ravens! La setmana passada vaig fer dues entrades, una de curteta i l’altra bastant més llarga. Doncs bé, només dir-vos que és possible que aquesta setmana faci dues entrades, també! Bueno, potser no aquesta setmana, però dos dies seguits!

Com seran? Per ara només una petita llista de llibres que vull llegir aquest any i una mica de resum de cada un. Demà penjaré una altra entrada, però és una sorpresa.

Com sempre, deixo la portada del llibre a sota amb un enllaç al Goodreads. Òbviament també diré si hi ha una traducció al català o al castellà, ja que tots són en anglès com a llengua original.

No sé si aquest és un tipus d’entrada que us agrada, però trobo que podria estar bé per tal que sabeu quin tipus de llibres són els que  llegeixo. Continue reading...
Hey Ravens! I posted two entries last week, one was shorter and the other one quite longer. Good news is, I’ll probably be able to post two more this week! Well, maybe not this very same week because it is Monday tomorrow, but since I have the day off from school, I’ll post something else just for you guys.

How will they be? Right now I’ll only post a short list of to-read books I have on my bookshelf for this year and a summary on each of them. I’ll post another entry for you all tomorrow, but I am not going to let you know anything about it now because I want it to be a surprise.

As always, I’ll leave a picture under the book with a link to the book’s page on Goodreads. It’ll probably help you see the different editions there have been, including the spectacular covers there are for each of them.

I don’t know whether you like this type of entry or not, but I thought it’d be interesting for you to know what kind of books I like to read. Continue reading...

A book is a dream you hold in your hands



Hey Ravens! Avui us porto el primer booktag que m’ha fet molta il·lusió escriure i la veritat és que m’ho he passat molt bé buscant els llibres que concordessin amb les característiques.Continua llegint
Hey Ravens! Today I’m posting my first booktag!  It has been awesome to write it and I honestly have had the best time looking for the books that matched the characteristics mentioned. Enjoy! Continue reading

Books are uniquely portable magic


Hey Ravens! Avui mateix penjaré un book-tag que es dirà The List. Espero que us agradi a tots i a totes, però abans us volia informar que... Es publicarà un llibre per a infants basat en la novel·la  Wonder, de la qual he fet una review (podeu llegir-la clicant aquí). En fi, era només per informar-vos, si voleu llegir-ne la sinopsis podeu anar a Goodreads clicant a la foto a sota de tot de l'entrada.
Hey Ravens! I am going to post a booktag today that is going to be called The List. I hope you really like it, but I first wanted to tell you that... A book for children based on the novel Wonder will be published. I've already written a review on that book, if you want to read it click here. Oh well, it was just to keep you updated on what happened, if you want to read the summary on Goodreads, click on the picture underwards.

Never judge a book by its movie




Hey Ravens! Doncs bé, aquesta és la meva primera entrada pròpiament dita. Per una ocasió tant especial us porto un llibre que mai oblidaré i que em va marcar moltíssim. No sé ben bé com quedarà, però aquest és el meu primer intent i ja aniré millorant. Continua llegint...
Hey Ravens! Well, this is my first proper entry. In honor of such a special event, I am going to review a book that I loved since the first page and that I will never EVER forget. I don’t know how it will turn out in the end, but this is my first try at this and I will improve with time. Continue reading...

"I was born with a reading list  will never finish" Maud Casey