Hey Ravens! Avui mateix penjaré un book-tag que es dirà The List.
Espero que us agradi a tots i a totes, però abans us volia informar que... Es
publicarà un llibre per a infants basat en la novel·la Wonder, de la qual
he fet una review (podeu llegir-la clicant aquí). En fi, era només per
informar-vos, si voleu llegir-ne la sinopsis podeu anar a Goodreads clicant a
la foto a sota de tot de l'entrada.
Hey Ravens! I
am going to post a booktag today that is going to be called The List. I
hope you really like it, but I first wanted to tell you that... A book for
children based on the novel Wonder will be published. I've already written a
review on that book, if you want to read it click here. Oh well, it was just to keep you
updated on what happened, if you want to read the summary on Goodreads, click
on the picture underwards.
Never judge a book by its
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