Hey Ravens! Doncs bé, aquesta és la meva primera entrada
pròpiament dita. Per una ocasió tant especial us porto un llibre que mai
oblidaré i que em va marcar moltíssim. No sé ben bé com quedarà, però aquest és
el meu primer intent i ja aniré millorant. Continua
Hey Ravens! Well, this is my first proper entry. In honor of such a special event, I am going to review a book that I loved since the first page and that I will never EVER forget. I don’t know how it will turn out in the end, but this is my first try at this and I will improve with time. Continue reading...
Hey Ravens! Well, this is my first proper entry. In honor of such a special event, I am going to review a book that I loved since the first page and that I will never EVER forget. I don’t know how it will turn out in the end, but this is my first try at this and I will improve with time. Continue reading...
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