Hey Ravens! Ho sé, ho sé. Això no es el que us
esperàveu. No és una ressenya ni un booktag, no és un apartat de More Dreams.
He trobat que era important, pèrò. Només informar-vos que aquest cap de setmana
no hi haurà entrada de Divergent. Tinc moltissima feina i no he tingut temps.
Tot i així, em sentia malament per no publicar res a part de l'entrada amb
l'error tècnic..., i he decidit redissenyar part del blog!
Al principi al blog només hi havia quatre seccions: Inici, Sobre Mi, Reviews i More Dreams (prèviament anomeant booktags). La setmana passada vaig decidir afegir Goodreads i IMDb, però només el link al meu perfil. Doncs bé, com que ja no adjuntaré un link amb el resum en català o coses d'aquestes he decidit ampliar aquestes dues categories. Els canvis seran visibles el dia 19/03/2017.
Hey Ravens! I know, I know. This isn't what you were waiting for. It isn't a review nor a booktag. It isn't a More Dreams section. I thought it was important, though. Just to let you know there won't be a Divergent post this weekend. I have a lot of work that needs to be done and I haven't had time at all to write the review. Sorry guys. However, I felt awful about not beng able to post anything apart from the entry in Catalan saying there had been technical problems..., so I decided I'd redesign the blog once more!
No big changes today, just added some things. In the beginning there were four sections: Inici, Sobre Mi, Reviews & More Dreams (previously called Booktags). Last week two brand new sections were added (Goodreads and IMDb, but there was only a link to my profile. Since I won't be including a link to the Catalan edition for Catalan readers I thought I'd just teach you how to search it youselves. The changes won't be be open to the public until the 19th March, 2017.
“How marvelous books are, crossing worlds and centuries, defeating ignorance and, finally, cruel time itself” Gore Vidal
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